
Becoming A Festival Partner

The Boston Birding Festival welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with Program Partners actively involved in conservation, environmental justice, environmental science, biodiversity, climate, advocacy, and outdoor/nature access and education.

We also invite cultural, arts, and media organizations and individual leaders to partner with us we believe they are critical to sharing and shaping stories and histories and to framing the present and future of the environmental challenges we face.

In addition, we’re especially interested in working community organizations such as bird and nature clubs that are valued and beloved by their communities and are managed by their members. 

If you’d like to brainstorm or design a program with us, please let us know. 


The Festival team works closely with each Partner or group of partners to develop unique Festival experiences. 

Such experiences could include a bird walk, a presentation (online or in-person), panel discussion or debate, a workshop, field trip, a participatory science research effort, a young birder experience, a social event, an exhibition, an activity at the venue, etc. 

By becoming a partner you help us ensure that the Festival can offer a catalog of engaging experiences. Our goal is for all partners be able to discover new audiences, form new connections and encounter new ideas, approaches and and perspectives.


What Kinds of Organizations Can become Partners

A small bird club can be a partner, and a major climate change organization, land trust, conservation nonprofit or museum could be a partner. It is this diversity that will make the Festival a more interesting and rewarding experience for everyone, expand awareness and undersatnding of environmental challenges and increase awareness of environmental leaders.

If your organization's mission includes a greater appreciation or understanding of nature, ecology, habitat, birds, biodiversity, climate or environmental justice, we'd love to talk.

Is there a cost to being a partner?

No. Partnerships are unpaid agreements. In developing a program with you, we work together to assess the costs of any program and collaborate on a plan to cover those costs.

Why should an organization partner with the Festival?

We think many organizations will benefit from new audiences, the opportunity to show a different side of their work, a chance to learn from other organizations and to be part of the Festival. Plus, collaborating with others gets us all to see challenges in new ways and maybe learn something new.

We are all in this together, bound by common goals despite a diversity of approaches. We all benefit from engaging with partners and greater connection as we work toward environmental justice, the preservation of biodiversity and meeting the challenges of climate change.

We don't usually do programming or presentations — can we still be involved?

Our team includes people who can work with you to brainstorm a great concept, define the parameters and goals, get it produced and promote it. (We don't want to brag, but some of our people are extremely good at what they do.) We can also manage most logistics and provide, for example, coaching for an inexperienced presenter, visuals and tech support, and more.

We are here to work with you to create an engaging experience that will help you share your work and reach new audiences.