


Welcome to the Monthly Diversion — a series organized around low-key, friendly, monthly bird/nature walks with an emphasis on landscapes and habitat in places that are not regularly birded by bird or other clubs.

Even eBird data on some of the locations we’ve selected can be quite sparse. While our focus is birds, we admit we might also get a little distracted by butterflies and bugs, or footprints or ferns.

Diversions are not intentionally designed to augment your life list or twitching something unusual (not that either of those won’t ever happen). These trips are more about appreciating and enjoying what is there in the moment while being open to surprises and discoveries, maybe improving some skills, and enjoying being outside in a beautiful place.

Diversions take place on either the first and/or third Saturday of the month—start times will vary by season. Sometimes we may offer multiple Diversions in a single month—if you’re subscribed to our newsletter, we’ll share details.

Beginners are encouraged and welcome, and we have some loaner binoculars. Diversions are generally limited to no more than 12-15. They last about 90 mins – 2.5 hours and vary in terms of their accessibility.

Diversions are free and the trip leaders, co-leaders, and researchers who make these trips possible are usually volunteers. While many trip leaders generously volunteer their time, not all can. In the spirit of greater equity, if you would like to make a small donation so that we can offer a stipend to a leader who may not otherwise be able to volunteer (a donation is never required), you can do that at the time of registration.

See you out there!


Greenways Conservation Lands
Sat. 9/21 8:00 AM -10:00 AM
Sudbury Valley Trustees


Duck Walk (Details Coming Soon)


Sea Ducks (Details Coming Soon)

A Osprey against a blue sky


If you have a suggestion for a walk, especially in a part of the state we haven’t visited recently, please let us know. We’d love to hear from you.


If you’re interested in leading a Diversion, try one then reach out. Diversions can be a great way to build trip-leading skills, share a favorite spot, or go exploring. EMAIL


Want to partner with us on offering a Diversion? We’d love that. Let us know!


If you’d like to sponsor a Diversion and help create some collective awe, please request our sponsorship package. Sponsorships support training for trip leaders and keep these walks free. Thank you!

PHOTO: Birders (MB  Photos), Osprey, (Getty Images)