The latest updates, Festival news, observations, celebrations, opinions, assorted ramblings, recommendations enthusiastic, and the occassional gripe
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A Holiday Gift Guide For Birders
Some nifty holiday gift picks and suggestions for the birders in your life.

Collecting data is an important way for ordinary people to contribute to research and support efforts to promote and achieve progress in protecting biodiversity and advancing the cause of environmental justice.

The Boston Birding Festival Expands Board Of DIrectors
The Boston Birding Festival’s Board of Directors announces the election of additional board members and officers.

Surveying the Walking City Trail
Help count birds while you hike the always-surprising Boston’s Walking City Trail.

Scientific Advisers Named for Boston Birding Festival
The Boston Birding Festival (BBF) has formed a scientific advisory council to provide guidance and feedback on the development of festival content.

A Monthly Birding DIversion
A MonthLY BIRDING DIVERSION LEAVE YOUR WORRIES BEHINd. Let’s Go Birding. Welcome to the Monthly Diversion — a series organized around low-key, friendly, monthly bird/nature walks with an emphasis on