Festival news updates observations celebrations opinions ramblings recommendations gripes
Festival news updates observations celebrations opinions ramblings recommendations gripes


The latest updates, Festival news, observations, celebrations, opinions, assorted ramblings, recommendations enthusiastic, and the occassional gripe

Inquries from interested guest authors most welcome. Email us at hello@bostongbirdingfestival.org

Hairy Woodpecker in teh fog

A Monthly Birding DIversion

A MonthLY BIRDING DIVERSION LEAVE YOUR WORRIES BEHINd. Let’s Go Birding. Welcome to the Monthly Diversion — a series around  low-key, friendly, monthly bird/nature walks with an emphasis on landscapes

A bright Scarlet Tanager in a green woodland setting.

Choose Bird-Friendly Coffee

Worldwide, 75 percent of coffee is grown in ways that harm birds, insects, mammals, and climate. This is a problem we can solve—and still enjoy a good cup.